The Impact of Ethical Dilemmas on Early Childhood Education

The Impact of Ethical Dilemmas on Early Childhood Education

Chapter One:


1.1 Background of the study

Ethical dilemma is a condition of moral difficulty that includes choosing proper behaviour when confronted with opposing professional beliefs and obligations. Choosing between two morally acceptable options presents an ethical dilemma (NAECY, 2020). One recurrent ethical challenge in early childhood  education is the balance between fostering a child’s autonomy and safeguarding their safety. Sometimes teachers have to deal with students who want to do something risky, like using playground equipment that is too advanced for them. Educators in such situations have a difficult balancing act between allowing the kid some degree of independence and keeping them safe.

The inclusion of children with exceptional needs in typically developing preschool classrooms presents a related moral conundrum. Teachers may have trouble balancing the needs of all their students with those of these students who have special educational needs. This problem prompts inquiries into issues of justice, equality, and the entitlement of all children to an inclusive education (Johnson, 2001).

The early education is meant to be child-centered and to recognise, appreciate, and effectively accommodate the uniqueness of individual learners, including children of all skill levels. In a study conducted by Anderson and Pavan (1993), they found that “the research evidence on these points is very strong; when children of all ability (or achievement) levels learn collaboratively, not only do those of lower and medium ability benefit substantially, but so do those of higher ability”. All boys and girls who are designated as gifted/talented, as well as those with special needs and problematic behaviours, fall under this category.

Cultural and religious diversity in preschool settings may also provide ethical challenges. Educators may need to make choices about how to accommodate students’ cultural backgrounds in the classroom while still protecting students’ and their families’ fundamental rights and values. Educators need to have empathy for the unique needs and worldviews of their students as they navigate this challenging undertaking.

Furthermore, ethical challenges might have an effect on early childhood educators’ professional growth and decision making. They may have to make decisions that put their professional judgement at risk, such as whether or not to accept gifts or favours from their parents. Educators must behave ethically in these situations and put the students they are responsible for first.

It is crucial for educators of young children to have a firm grasp of ethical ideas and frameworks. Among them are professional standards of ethics and familiarity with applicable legislation. Educators can provide a welcoming and secure classroom for all students if they are prepared to deal with any ethical problems that may arise.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Ethical dilemmas in early childhood education can arise in various situations, such as conflicts between the best interests of the child and the demands of the educational system, conflicts between the rights of the child and the rights of the parents or carers, and conflicts between different ethical principles or values.

The early childhood education field may be profoundly affected by these moral quandaries. Young children’s health and well-being may be affected by them, as well as their emotional and social development. A teacher’s choice in an ethical dilemma, such as whether or not to include a kid with special needs in a regular classroom, may have far-reaching consequences for the student.

Furthermore, ethical concerns may also impair the professional growth and work satisfaction of early childhood educators. Teachers may feel moral discomfort, burnout, and stress when they are torn between two or more ethical commitments. The quality of the  education and care they can provide young children may suffer as a result.

Having a thorough awareness of the ethical concerns that occur in the field of early childhood education is crucial for addressing the effect of ethical challenges in this area. Research, case studies, and in-depth interviews with teachers, parents, and students may all help with this. Researchers can better aid teachers in forming moral judgements and handling sticky situations if they can first pinpoint the challenges they experience while attempting to teach young children.

There is a serious problem with the effect that ethical problems have on preschool and kindergarten. The well-being and development of all children in early childhood education settings may be improved by developing an ethical framework that takes into account the ethical problems encountered by educators and their effects on young children.

1.3 Purpose of the study

1.4 Significance of the study

1.5 Scope of the study

1.6 Research questions

Chapter Two:


Chapter Three:


3.1 Design of the study

3.2 Area of the study

3.3 Population of the study

3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique

3.5 Instrumentation

3.6 Validity of the Instrument

3.7 Administration of the Instrument

3.8 Method of Data Analysis

Chapter Four:


Data Analysis

Chapter Five:


5.1 Discussion of the Research Findings

5.2 Conclusion

5.3  Education Implication Finding

5.4 Limitation of the Study

5.5 Recommendations

5.6 Suggestion for further Studies


Appendix I

The Impact of Ethical Dilemmas on Early Childhood Education