The Impact of Home Learning on Literacy Development of Preschoolers – A Study of Selected Montessori Schools in Lekki, Lagos

The Impact of Home Learning on Literacy Development of Preschoolers – A Study of Selected Montessori Schools in Lekki, Lagos

Chapter One:


1.1 Background of the study

Early childhood literacy skills benefit substantially from homeschooling. Literacy levels are higher among children who regularly engage in home learning activities including reading books, telling tales, and playing educational games, as shown by a number of studies. Activities like these aid children in developing the fundamental literacy abilities essential for reading and  writing success, such as vocabulary, phonological awareness, and comprehension. Mol and Bus (2011), Yeo et al. (2014), and Zuilkowski et al. (2019) are just a few of the research that show how having books around the house helps children acquire important literacy abilities including phonological awareness, expressive vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

An advantageous aspect of home  education for young readers is the availability of a print-rich environment. Children are more likely to exhibit an interest in reading and writing if they are exposed to books, magazines, and labels on a daily basis. When children have easy access to writing materials like pencils, crayons, and paper, they are more likely to use them, which is fantastic for their developing literacy skills.

Preschoolers’ literacy growth benefits considerably from parents’ involvement in their children’s education at home. Research shows that parental involvement in their children’s reading and other literacy-building activities has a positive effect on the kids’ literacy development. Reading aloud to youngsters, talking about what they’ve read, and providing them time to practise their reading and writing are all terrific ways to be engaged. Parental education and the home literacy environment (e.g., a literate adult who can assist a kid with schooling) indirectly impact children’s literacy. Better literacy abilities have been linked to nurturing actions, such as reading a tale to a kid before bed (Sénéchal & Lefevre, 2002).

In addition, the quality of early readers’ educational experiences at home is a major factor in their eventual reading success. Activities that are both relevant and participatory, such as having discussions about books, asking children open-ended questions, and giving them an opportunity to offer their own views, may help children enhance their language and reading skills. It is crucial for parents and carers to provide children with age-appropriate and engaging materials and activities that are tailored to the child’s interests and abilities.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Preschoolers’ progress in learning to read and write is crucial to their later success in school. Literacy proficiency at a young age has been shown to be a robust indicator of subsequent academic achievement. The home learning environment is just as important as the schooling a kid receives in terms of determining their literacy development. But it’s important to know how homeschooling affects preschoolers’ literacy development in particular.

Studying how homeschooling affects toddlers’ reading skills is complicated by the vast range of possible settings. The amount and quality of learning opportunities available in the home may be considerably impacted by factors like as parental education, family income, and cultural background. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the ways in which these elements interact with children’s home learning environments and how they affect children’s early reading skills.

The use of technology to supplement education at home is an additional factor to think about. More and more parents are finding ways to incorporate technology into their children’s education thanks to the proliferation of digital gadgets and educational applications. However, the effect of homeschooling with technology on preschoolers’ linguistic and literacy development is little studied. In order to properly include technology into home learning practises, it is essential to determine whether or not it aids literacy development.

Further, toddlers from varied linguistic origins may respond differently to homeschooling. When it comes to learning to read and write, children who speak more than one language may face some distinct difficulties and possibilities. It is crucial for fostering equitable educational results to get insight into how home learning practises might aid in the literacy development of children from a variety of linguistic backgrounds.

There are several factors involved in determining how much of an effect homeschooling has on preschoolers’ ability to read and write. We may learn a lot about how to improve home learning practises for preschoolers’ literacy development by looking at the particular characteristics that impact home learning settings, the role of technology, and the unique problems encountered by children from varied linguistic backgrounds.

1.3 Purpose of the study

1.4 Significance of the study

1.5 Scope of the study

1.6 Research questions

Chapter Two:


Chapter Three:


3.1 Design of the study

3.2 Area of the study

3.3 Population of the study

3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique

3.5 Instrumentation

3.6 Validity of the Instrument

3.7 Administration of the Instrument

3.8 Method of Data Analysis

Chapter Four:


Data Analysis

Chapter Five:


5.1 Discussion of the Research Findings

5.2 Conclusion

5.3  Education Implication Finding

5.4 Limitation of the Study

5.5 Recommendations

5.6 Suggestion for further Studies


Appendix I

The Impact of Home Learning on Literacy Development of Preschoolers – A Study of Selected Montessori Schools in Lekki, Lagos